So heading off from Maiden Moor towards High Spy is again pretty straight forward. The path is clear and obvious in good weather but I guess might be harder to spot in mist.
I did take a picture of it but it seems to be a bit blurred so I'm not posting one here.
Mind you the one above looks just as bad. I think there was a bit of misting on the front of my phone's camera. You'll just have to go yourself to see it. There is the odd little bit of bog on the way but it is not really that bad. Certainly not one where your feet get wet!
This picture is probably a bit better for you.
You are still increasing height on this bit but you really have got the worst of the day out of the way when you get to the top of Catbells. The next two are gentle climbing in comparison. Soon the magnificent cairn comes into view.
Seeing a cairn always gives your legs a bit of extra energy and soon you are stood beside it, proud of yourself. For me, this meant I was now on 50 fells completed. Wow.
And my little buddy is on 45 completed. What an achievement.
We had lunch a little past the summit and decided to head down into the valley to make our way back to the car. We spoken of Dalehead but seeing the drop to Dale tarn and the subsequent climb back up we didn't fancy that today...sorry.
The drop to the valley bottom is not difficult but it's not great fun either. There is a path (if you can spot it) but this meanders through rocks and boulders making for a rather unpleasant half hour or so.
Would I recommend going a different way? Nope, because there are a number of waterfalls on the way down even though they weren't at full whack when we were there, you could imagine how impressive they would be.
You follow the rocky road, then pick up the path (faint) alongside the water before picking up a single track road.
This takes you all the way to Little Town. Mrs Tigglewinkle lived nearby so they say but we didn't see her.
This was a good walk on a good day but, at 10 miles, it's not to be underestimated. Fish and chips in Keswick were a welcome sight!