So having completed Binsey by 10am we were all keen to complete a second fell in the day. However, the weather was warming up so much we had to return, briefly, to the hotel to change into something a little bit cooler.
Suitably attired we set off for Ling Fell. This is not too far away from the hotel and, at number 205) seemed like a easy one to complete for the three of us.
As we got to the start of the fell you have a choice. The gentle corpse road approach that winds round the right hand side of the fell, a second route to the left or straight up. Due to the proximity of lunch and a promise that lunch would be at the top the kids decided we'd go straight up.

Mistake! It was hard going. This picture does not do justice to the steepness believe me.

Maybe this one is a little better but not much! Anyway we toiled our way to the top to be rewarded with great views all around the surrounding fells. We could see Binsey in the distance and Sale Fell is visible to the right of the picture.

Cue photo of me at the top.

Sorry my face is slightly in shadow but, at 50, I don't want the camera to lie on my behalf!